Naomi Errity

Naomi has full responsibility for our compliance function which spans Governance, Risk and Compliance.  Her role ensures we meet our regulatory obligations, manage our risks effectively and have a robust corporate governance structure in place.

Data Protection is also of utmost importance, as given the nature of our business we handle very sensitive client data on a daily basis.

Naomi has over 20 years of experience in the financial services sector. Previously she has held compliance management positions in a UK Merchant Banking Group and a Specialist Asset Manager.  She has significant experience in dealing with the FCA and Regulatory Reporting.

Naomi’s professional qualifications include the Diploma in Compliance from the International Compliance Association and the Practitioner Certificate in Data Protection. She is a member of the Board and reports to them on an ongoing basis on all compliance and risk matters.

NAOMI ERRITY | Our Team | John Lamb

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